a lot of the questions asked on a DMV exam | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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some of the Questions are messed up because of my scanner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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1. Before turning left, right-of-way should be given to oncoming cars A. Unless they are turning right 'B. Until it is sate to turn C. Until most cars have passed 2. A properly worn seatbelt will A. Probably make you tired on a long trip 'B. Reduce the risk of injury and death C~ Keep your body from moving 3. This sign means A. Yield to side traffic B. Divided highway ahead 'C. Vehicles may be entering from the side 4. To help avoid from being hit from behind by another car you should A. Keep parking lights on at all times B. Signal several blocks before turning 'C. Check your rear view mirror often 5. What percent of traffic deaths are caused by driving under the influence 'A. 50% B. 250/0 C. 75% 6. When a car with bright headlights comes towards you at night you should A. Look above the oncoming lights B. Look below the oncoming lights 'C. Look to the right side of your lane 7. The usual speed limit in a business or residential area is A. 35 mph B. 30 mph 'C. 25mph 8. Many teen-age driver accidents are caused by A. Ignorance of driving rules 'B. Excessive speed, driving off road and hitting objects C. Old cars with bad breaks 9. Lap and Shoulder belt combinations in your car A. May keep an accident from happening 'B. Are usually safer then lap belts only C. Are intended for freeway driving 10. When you park uphill next to a curb the right front wheel 'A. Should be turned to the left with the wheel touching the curb B. Should be parallel to the curb with the parking break set C. Should be turned to the right against the curb 1 11. Your parents may request the DMV to cancel your provisional license A. Only if you use alcohol or drugs and drive B. Only if you've lied on you application 'C. For any reason U' 12. After one drink of alcohol you driving ability 'A. Will be affected B. Will not be affected I C. Will be affected only if you weigh less than 140 lbs. I 13. At a blind intersection 'A. Reduce speed to 15mph or less B. Always stop C. Maintain 25 mph 14. Which of the following could best contribute to improved traffic flow A. Raising the speed limit 'B. Public transportation C. Eliminating the space custom 15. To avoid sudden "last minute moves" how far ahead should you look when scanning the road for hazards A. 4 to 5 seconds B. 6 to 8 seconds 'C. lO to 15 seconds 16. Blocking an intersection during rush hour traffic is A. Permitted if you have already waited through 2 red lights B. Permitted as long as some of the cross traffic can get around you 'C. Never permitted 17. This sign means A. Vehicles on the right go first B. You have the right of way 'C. Let the other traffic go first 18. You are stopped for a red light and the light turns greet, you should A. Start up as soon as the light turns green 'B. Look left and right before starting C. Let other traffic go first 19. You must not cross a double line to pass another car in the line on your side A. Has double raised white dots 'B. is solid yellow C. is broken yellow 20. If you are passing a school and see children near A. 30 mph B. Slower than what may be posted 'C. No faster than 25 mph 21. Motorcycle riders should 'A. Use their headlights during the day B. Use sunglasses to protect their eyes from dust and insects C. Drive in bike lanes whenever possible to avoid collisions 22. If a car ahead of you has stopped at a crosswalk you should A. Change lanes look carefully and pass B. Tap your horn to let the driver know you are waiting 'C. Stop, the proceed when safe 23. Alcohol mixed with speeding causes A. Less the 25% of the teenage driving deaths B. Less that 500/0 of the teenage driving deaths 'C. More than 50% of the teenage driving deaths 24. The DMV may restrict your provisional drivers license A. After your second traffic conviction B. It you've had both a traffic conviction and an accident 'C. Both of the above 25. Pedestrians using guide dogs or white canes 'A. Must be given the right of way at all times B. May violate you right of way C. Have the right of way only in marked crosswalks 26. On a dry road, when you drive behind a car, it is safest to keep A. A distance of three car lengths for each 10 mph 'B. A count of about two seconds following distance C. One foot over the break 27. When a flashing light is operating at a railroad crossing you must 'A. Stop, then proceed when safe B. Slow down before crossing C. Stop only if you see a train crossing 28. What is a common factor in the traffic deaths of teen-age drivers 'A. Their need to push themselves and their cars _ B. Their slow reflexes C. Their fear of taking risks I 29. A curb painted white means 'A. Stop only long enough to drop off passengers or mail B. No parking C. Parking is permitted 30. You my not double park A. Except when making a delivery B. Except when waiting in a car ~C. At any time 31. You are driving the speed limit and your passengers say you are holding up traffic you should A. Retain the same speed B. Speed up if traffic is light 'C. Change to a slower lane if possible 32. If you hit a parked car and cannot find the owner you must 'A. Leave a not on or in the car I B. Wait for the owner to return I C. Get the owners address from the DMV 33. At a corner where there is a flashing yellow light you should A. Continue at the same speed 'B. Slow and cross carefully C. Stop before crossing 34. You should be most careful when driving A. After is has been raining all day B. A half- hour after it stops raining 'C. During the first half hour of rain 35. It is against the law to change the muffler on your car to 'A. Increase noise B. Direct exhaust fumes to the rear C. Make it gas tight 36. If your driving privilege has been revoked you may A. Still drive too and from work 'B. Not drive in this state with any license or permit C. Drive only in the presence of a licensed parent or guardian 37. You should tell the DMV if you are being treats for A. Any medical problem B. Most conditions requiring surgery 'C. Uncontrolled diabetes 38. Constantly starring at the road just in front of your car A. Is all right since you should see most of the road ahead B. Will help you see and avoid potholes and bumps 'C. Is considered unsafe 39. When you turn left into a driveway or parking lot you should A. Stop in the road before starting to turn 'B. Signal and slow down before turning C. Avoid crossing a double yellow line 40. Look to the left and right before entering any intersection against a green signal 'A. Other vehicles may enter the intersection against the red signal B. Once you are in the intersection you should look straight ahead C. Because cross traffic may have a green arrow 41. Parking on the wrong side of the street may A. Be safer for your handicapped passengers B. Cause other drivers to warned more quickly when you start into traffic 'C. Cause you to be stuck by vehicles coming 42. If you see warning hazard lights when driving at night on an unlit street A. Turn you car around and drive in the opposite direction B. Pull to the right shoulder and stop 'C. Continue driving at a slower speed 43. The person who signs for you drivers license A. Is not responsible for accidents you may have B. Is only responsible for you if you are driving cars registered to them 'C. Is legally responsible for any accidents you may have that cause injury 44. Drivers with one traffic conviction in three years will have 'A. A higher accident rate than drivers with no convictions B. A lower accident rate than drivers with no convictions C. The same accident rate as drivers with no convictions 45. What happens if you hold a provisional license and you are convicted three times for speeding A. You will be required to drive supervised B. You will be sent a warning letter 'C. You driving privilege will be suspended 46. This sign means A. Make a complete stop before turning right 1 B. Construction ahead, detour to the right 'C. You must not turn right here 47~ If a man crossing the street at a corner without cross walks you should A. Take the right of way but do not hit him B. Slow and proceed with care 'C. Let him have the right of way 48. This symbol at a parking space means that you may park if A. You have a clearance note from your doctor 'B. Your car had special plates or a place card for disabled persons C You are taking someone to the hospital 49. This sign means 'A. You must not turn left here B. You must go straight C. You must not turn right 50. This sign means A. Divided highway ahead B. Freeway entrance ahead 'C. Fewer lanes ahead 51. California law says you have agreed in advance to test for alcohol in your blood 'A. Whenever you drive in the state B. Only on the advice of an attorney C. only if an accident has occurred 52. When you enter a freeway, you should be driving at least A. The legal speed limit on the freeway B. Ten mph below the legal speed limit on the freeway 'C. The same speed as freeway traffic 53. Driving under the influence of any drug which makes you drive unsafely is A. Permitted if it is prescribed by a doctor 'B. Against the law C. Permitted if it is an emergency 54. When driving at night on a two lane road, lower your speed, increase following distance and A. Look below oncoming headlights B. Keep your eyes on the white line in the center of the road 'C. Watch for bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians 55. When you leave your car unattended you must stop the motor and A. Close the windows B. Take the key from the ignition 'C. Set the parking break 56. You will more easily spot a hazard if you keep you eyes A. Focused on the vehicle ahead 'B. Moving (scanning) C. From getting tired 57. A slow vehicle must turn off a two lane road at a turnabout whenever being followed by A. Two vehicles B. Four vehicles 'C. Five or more vehicles 58. What's the best way to stop your vehicle quickly 'A. Brake hard and if you start to skid use pumping action on the brake B. Use the break lightly at first then step down hard C. Stop down hard on the break and hold it until you stop 59. When backing you car you should A. Continue looking through your center rearview mirror while backing slowly 'B. Look over you right shoulder through the rear window and back slowly C. Look through both left and center rearview mirrors 60. The sign says both cars may turn left, which car can make the U-turn B 'A. Black car B. Both black and white cars C. Neither car 61. You save gas if you 'A. Start slowly and drive at a steady moderate speed B. Buy it at self-service stations C. Drive on city streets rather than on freeways whenever possible 62. When driving near schools, playgrounds and parks A. Stay alert for fast moving vehicles B. Drive no faster than 10 mph 'C. Drive more carefully than usual 63. Driving off the road to pass a car 'A. Should never be done B. Is dangerous but sometimes necessary on the country roads C. Is permitted if the car ahead is turning right 64. Bicycle riders A. Must ride facing oncoming traffic 'B. Are often difficult to see in traffic C. Should ride on the sidewalk unless their is a bike lane 65. If your car is hit on the side, wearing your safety belt may A. Trap you if the car catches on fire 'B. Prevent you from being thrown out C. Increase your chances of a neck injury 66. You must not cross two solid yellow lines in the center of the roadway to A. Make a left turn 'B. Overtake and pass another car C. Park on the other side of the street 67. An open bottle of liquor may only be carried in the car *A. If the bottle is placed in the trunk B. If your parents are with you C. If you are over 21 and place the bottle in a sealed box 68. Looking 10 to 15 seconds ahead of your car on the open highway will A. Help you avoid last minute moves B. Warn you of hazards ahead -'C. Both of the above I 69. If you are under the age of 18, you may be convicted of drunk driving if you blood alcohol level if A. One tenth (.1) of one percent B. One thousandths (.001) of one percent 'C. One hundredths (.01) of one percent I70. If you are going to make a turn you must signal A. During the last 150 feet (about 1~'3 city block) *B. During the last one hundred feet (about 114 city block) C. During the last two hundred feet (about 1/2 city block) before turning 71. Before you open the door on the traffic side of your parked car, you should A. Warn other drivers B. Step on your break to flash your stop lights ~C. Look around for bicycles and other vehicles 72. If your driving record shows you failed to appear in court after receiving a traffic tickets, DMV will A. Take no action B. Suspend the registration of the vehicle you are driving 'C. Suspend you driving privilege until you appear in court 73. If you are e driving when the oil light or indicator on your car shows low oil A. You should drive home as soon as possible B. You should see a mechanic right away 'C. You should drive to the side of the road and stop the engine 74. After you have an accident "close shave" you should 'A. Decide what went wrong and who made the mistake B. Try not to think about what happened C. Try not to blame yourself or the other driver 75. When a school bus with flashing red lights has stopped on the road ahead, you must 'A. Stop until the lights stop flashing B. Slow down because children may be in the road C. Change lanes and pass cautiously 76. Coasting with the gear shift in neutral is A. Recommended in the mountains B. Safe and conserves gas 'C. Against the law 77. If you drive up a steep road and meet a car with no room to pass A. You should back down the road 'B. The other driver should back up the road C. Neither driver should back at all 78.Before going on a trip you should A. Have an extra can of gas in the trunk for emergencies B. Have the frame and engine mounting checked 'C. Check the tires a nd fluid levels 79. If a police officer asks you to take an alcohol test you may choose 'A. A blood breath or urine test B. A sobriety test C. To say the alphabet backwards 80 . A green curb means that stopping or parking is permitted only for 'A. A limited time B. Taxis and buses C. Loading and unloading freight 81. Emerging a freeway you should look for an open space in traffic and 'A. Adjust speed to traffic flow and locate a space to enter and signal B. Stop, signal look left and find a space to enter C. Adjust speed to traffic flow, blow your horn, signal and merge. 82. It has been proven that safety belts A. Sometimes cause drivers to be trapped in their cars B. Can make it harder to steer in an emergency 'C. Can reduce injury and death. 83. The basic speed law says that in addition to driving 6~mph maximum speed A. You may have to slow down suddenly at intersections with a stop sign B. You must consider other posted speed limits 'C. You must consider the traffic and weather conditions 84. If you use both your left and inside rear-view mirrors when looking for vehicles near you A. You will be able to see traffic behind and beside you B. You will be able to see any cars in your blind spot 'C. You may not be able to see vehicles near the rear of your vehicle because of the blind spot. 85. When entering a green light at an intersection you should be careful because A. Of people crossing the street B. Some drivers on cross streets may not stop 'C. Both of the above 86. In California you may make a right hand turn at an intersection against a red light A. Only when on-coming cars have a green arrow *B. If you can move safely without interfering with traffic 87.What percentages of accidents occur on city streets A. About 21% 'B. About 73% C. About 90% 88. Use your horn A. To show other drivers you have made a mistake B. To encourage other drivers to speed up 'C. When necessary to avoid an accident 89. Drivers with no traffic convictions in three years will have A, A higher accident rate than drivers with one conviction 'B. A lower accident rate than drivers with one conviction C. The same accident rate than drivers with one conviction 90. You should drive A. At the posted speed limit B Within the flow of traffic 'C According to the road and weather conditions. 91. You will quickly ruin your engine if you drive without enough A. Transmission fluid 'B. Oil C. Battery water 92. If you are under 21 and convicted of drunk driving while operating your own car the court may A. Put your car in storage for up to thirty days at your own expense B. Sentence you to spend time in jail and pay a fine 'C. Both of the above 93. This sign means A. Entrance for emergency vehicles B. This road is closed to traffic 'C. You must enter the road from your direction 94. Motorcycle riders 'A. Are hard to see B. Must wear reflective helmets at night C. Have an easier time with dangerous road conditions I 95. A curb painted red means A. Reserved for police use 'B. No stopping or parking (expert buses) IC. Reserved for unloading freight 96. At 55 mph avoid passing on a two lane road A. Unless you have 100 feet of passing space 'B. Because you increase the chance of an accident C. Unless you can see at least a mile ahead 97. Altering the smog control on your car is A. Permitted during the winter 'B. Forbidden by law C. Permitted if it effects engine operation 98. When slowing down behind another car you should 'A. Start breaking early as a sign to other cars B. Not apply your brakes until you are three car lengths behind the car C. Tap horn several times to warn the driver ahead 99. "Scanning" the road ahead for hazards helps you to 'A. See cars and people that may be in the road by the time you reach them B Watch for traffic instead of signs C Avoid being tailgated 100. This sign means 'A. Vehicles on the road travel two directions B. A cross road ahead C. There are at least two lanes of traffic each direction 101. If you have a provisional license when you become 18 years old A. You should get a new license at the DMV 'B. You should keep your provisional photo license C. You should cover the restriction on you direction 102. When stopping on the highway other than for traffic you should *A. Stop off the pavement on the shoulder B. Stop in the center divider completely off the road C. Stop near an. 103. When driving in heavy fog or ~ should A. Turn on your hazard lights so other drivers can see you B. Use your high beams 'C. Use your low beams 104. If you become very sleepy while driving it is best to A. Roll down your window and turn on your radio B. Chew gum and talk to passengers 'C. Drive to a safe place and stop t'.~ rest I105. At 50 mph how far will it take you to stop A 90 feet ( about one fourth city block) 'B. 250 feet ( about one half a city block) C. 360 feet ( about three fourths of a city block) 106. Driving with only your parking lights on is A. Advisable on dark days B. Good practice between sunset and dark 'C. Against the law 107. Alcohol effects the brain *A. By lowering good judgment B. By increasing alertness reflexes and control C. By making you less emotional IA. AAYjttTh5of%GItocks ahead 108. How far ahead should you look in city traffic 'B. About one block 109. Small children on bicycles 'A. May fall in front of your car B. Should ride on sidewalks C. May only ride in special bike lanes 110. The lane in the middle of a two way street may be used for A. Passing or overtaking other cars B. Making right or left turns 'C. Beginning or ending left turns 111. When you come to a corner where there are no traffic lights or stop signs you should -- - - 'A. Slow down so you can stop if necessary B. Always stop then proceed if safe C. Continue at the same speed and watch for traffic -- {j12. When crossing a divided highway you came across a second stop sign on the center divider strip. You must A. Continue straight ahead... the second stop sign is for buses and trucks B. Stop at the second sign only if cars are coming 'C. Stop again at the second stop 113. If you are arrested for drunk driving and refuse the blood alcohol test 'A. Your driving privilege will be suspended for 6 months B. You will relieve an additional fine C. You will not be able to post bail. 114. Drivers who use marijuana have greater trouble with A. Staying awake 'B. Unexpected events and reacting quickly C. Reading traffic signs 115. If you see animals on the road A. Honk your horn until the road is clear 'B. Obey any person in charge 6f the animal C. Scare them off the road by waving or shouting 116. If your car is no longer used, but is parked on a public street 'A. It must be currently registered B. It need not be registered C. It will be towed away is not registered 117. Safety belts or restraint seats for children in a car 'A Can be effective in reducing injury B May cause internal injuries C Should only be used for children weighting over 30 pounds 118. When backing your car you should always 'A. Look over your right shoulder through the rear window while backing B. Use both rearview mirrors C. Look over your left shoulder while backing I119. A flashing red light at an intersection means *A. Stop before entering B. Slow down before entering C. Wait for the green light 120. 'When there are two lanes of traffic going your way it is usually safe to 'A. Use the right lane to pass vehicles that are making left turns B. Pass a school bus unloading children C. Drive fast in the right lane 121. If you can't avoid being hit from behind you should A. Throw yourself across the seat B. Protect your face with your arms and hands 'C. Be ready to break 122. If you have a traffic conviction and an accident while holding a provisional; license A. The department may wait to see if you have another before taking action 'B. You may be required to accompanied by a licensed driver 25 years of age or older C. You will be sent to traffic violator school 123. How can you see if there is a vehicle in your blind spot A. Use your inside mirror B. Slow down and then look in the mirror 'C. Glance over your shoulder 124. If a speed limit is not posted on a highway before a curve A. Continue at the same speed B. Slow down at least 10 mph 'C. Judge how sharp the curve is and change your speed accordingly 125. If your driving record shows that you brake traffic laws 'A. You are more likely to have an accident B. You are less likely to have an accident C. Your chances of having an accident are the same as the others 126. Outside rearview mirror on the left and the right side of your car A. Are helpful only if you tow trailers 'B. Are required if you cannot see to the rear by using your inside mirrors V- B. No matter where the accident occurred C. Only if it was your fault 136. On a first drunk driving conviction A. You will only be fined B. You may go to jail only if you are involved in an accident 'C. You may be arrested and fined if you are in an accident 137. If you are driving a rear wheel drive vehicle on ice and begin to slide to the right you should A. Take your foot off the gas pedal and steer to the left 'B. Take your foot off the gas pedal and turn the wheel to the right C. Steer toward bushes or a snow bank 138. If you see a car coming from the left a~ an intersection without signals or signs you should 'A. Prepare to stop and yield right - of -way if necessary B. Continue at the same speed since you have the right - of - way C. Move as far to the right as possible and maintain your speed 139. According to the blood alcohol chart, if your BAC is in black shaded area A. You are still legal to drive B. You have had no more than 2 drinks 'C. Your chances of having an accident are 25 times greater than if you had no drinks 140. You must show evidence that you have insurance or some form of financial responsibility in effect A. Only if you have an accident B. If you feel you were at fault in an accident 'C. If a police officer asks to see it 141. You may not drive faster then 55 mph A. At any time B. Except to keep up with the flow of traffic 'C. Except on designated freeways 142. It is against the law to enter an intersection or crosswalk when A. The light is yellow B. The light is flashing red 'C. You can not cross without obstructing traffic form the other side 143. Teen-agers as a group have more accidents than most other drivers because A. They lack the skill to drive safely B. They drive unsafe vehicles 'C. They do not use good judgment 144. You should allow an extra cushion of space between you and the car ahead when A. The driver behind you wants to pass B. You are crowded by a tailgater 'C. both of the above 145. The very first effect of every small amount of alcohol on a persons safe driving ability is to reduce his/hers A. Seeing ability -B. Muscle control 'C. Good driving Judgment I 146. A person between the ages of 13 and 17 who is a habitual truant. May have his or her license delayed by the court for A.6months 'B. 12 months C. 24 months 147. If you are convicted of defacing property by using painted or another liquid the court may suspend your driving privilege for -A. 6 months 'B. 12 months C. 24 months 148. You may be fined up to____ and have your driver license suspended for one year if you fail to stop when a school bus is stopped and is flashing red lights A. $500 'B. $1000 C. $1500 149. You are considered drunk and creaking the law by driving if your blood alcohol level is A. (0.08%) B. (0.04%) C. (0.01%) 150. Orange colored signs and flags mean that you must be alert for A. Car pool lanes B. Speed zones 'C. Change of road conditions 151. If a person is crossing the street at a corner without crosswalks, you should A. Take the right of way but to not hit the person B. Slow down and proceed with care 'C. Let the person have the right of way _\ j 152. Before changing lanes in traffic A. use arm signals 'B. Look over your shoulder C. Signal so that you have the right of way 153. When you hear the siren or see the red emergency light of a closely approaching ambulance, police car, or fire truck, and you are e not in an intersection, you must A. Speed up to clear traffic B. Move into the right lane and drive slowly 'C. Drive to the right edge of the road and stop 154. A person over the age of ___ may have his or her license delayed or suspended for one year if convicted of defacing property by using paint or other liquid: 'A. 13 years B. 18 years C. 21 years 155. To help avoid skidding on slippery surfaces you should A. Step sharply on the brakes to slow down quickly 'B. Avoid quick stops C. Aim for low spots on the road 156. Can your passenger age 16 or older, receive a ticket for not wearing his or her seat belt? 'A. Yes B. Yes, but only if sitting in the front seat C. No 157. People who slow down "to take a look when they pass an accident scene 'A. Add to the traffic slow down and may cause additional accidents B. Are helping emergency crews by going slow C. Can learn, in this way, how to avoid an accident 158.When you follow to closely and another driver cuts suddenly in front of you, what is the best thing to do? A. Slam on the brakes B. Swerve into the lane next to you. 'C. Ease your foot off the gas petal 159. If you have a traffic conviction and an "at fault" accident while having a provisional license A. The department may wait to see if you have another before taking action 'B. You will be restricted to driving only when accompanied by someone over 25 years of age. C. You will be sent to traffic violator school 160. Should you signal when you don't see any other vehicles around you *A. Yes a vehicle you do not see may hit you B. No there isn�t any need to signal if you don�t see anyone else on the road C. Yes to maintain good signaling habits 161. If you have an accident you must show evidence that you have insurance or financial responsibility in effect A. Only if the accident was your fault B. Only if the accident was the other drivers fault 'C. If the other driver asks to see it 162. You have a restriction on your license that states you must wear corrective lenses. You lost your glasses the day before, what should you do? A. Limit your driving to familiar routes until you replace your glasses 'B. Do not drive until your glasses are replaced C. Drive only in an emergency 163. When you park your car you must leave the car in gear or "park" and A. Close the windows B. Take the key from the ignition 'C. Set the park brake 164. A good "rule of thumb" to follow when you are not sure about using your headlights is 'A. Use them anytime you have trouble seeing other cars B. Don�t use your headlights if it will bother other drivers C. Turn them on one hour after sunset 165. Chronic traffic congestion or gridlock is caused by driving behavior such as 'A. Inattention (like e a t ing breakfast, shaving, reading maps, putting on makeup etc. ) while driving B. Driving quickly past an accident scene C. Allowing drivers to merge ahead of you on the freeway 166. An alcoholic beverage may only be carried in the car 'A. If your parent is with you B. If the container is sealed C. You may never carry an alcoholic beverage in the car with you 167. Braking studies have shown that a tractor trailer traveling at 55 mph needs____ the distance to stop as an automobile 'A. Two times B. Three times C. Four times r 168. Accidents are more likely to happen 'A. When one driver is going faster or slower than the other drivers on the road - B. On bridges and overpasses C. High occupancy lanes 169. Orange colored signs and flags mean that you must be alert for 'A. Changed road conditions B. Speed zones C. High occupancy lanes 170. If you are the first person to stop and give assistance at an accident scene you should drive to the side of the road *A. After you have passed the accident scene B. Before you reach the accident scene C. Next to the accident scene 171. Yellow lines are used to separate A. Traffic lanes on one way streets B. Bicycle lanes from regular traffic 'C. Lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions 172. What causes most rear end collisions? A. Failing to pay attention 'B. Following too close C. Looking in your rear view mirrors too often 173. In an emergency, to help avoid being hit from the rear by another vehicle you should A. Drive with your left foot on the brake petal at all times *B. Start braking early as a signal to drivers behind you C. Check your rear view mirrors often 174. One of the most common causes of accidents is 'A. Unsafe speed B. Driving without wearing your seat belt IC. Driving in rainy weather 175. Should you try to keep a "space cushion" around your car whenever possible? 'A. Yes, another driver makes a mistake you will have time to react B. No, space cushions are not necessary, they take up valuable space on the freeway. C. No, someone may try to crowd in front of you 176. A child under the age of 12 may ride in the back of a pick up truck or other truck when the enclosure is at least 48 inches high and A. The parents are driving the truck, the child is accompanied but secured to prevent falling out 'B. A child must not be carried in the back of any truck C. A child is accompanied by someone 18 years of age or older and is secure to prevent falling out 177. Which of the following is illegal use of a drivers license 'A. Keeping your license after the DMV asks you to return it B. Allowing a photocopy of your license to be made as a part of an employment file C. Keeping you expired out of state license 178. You may not legally drive above 60 mph A. At any time 'B. Except on designated freeways when posted C. Except to keep up with the flow of traffic 179. If your driving record shows you failed to appear after receiving a traffic ticket, the DMV will ; A. Take no action 'B. Suspend your driving privilege until you appear in court C. Restrict your driving privileges 180. If you have an accident and there is an injury, death, or more than $500 damage you must 'A. Make a written report ( SR 1) to the DMV B. Show your license only to law enforcement C. Make a written report ( SR 1) to the CHP only if someone is Injured 181. A person may ride in the back of a pick up truck if the 'A. Pick up truck is equipped with a restraint system B. Person is accompanied by an adult C. Pick up truck has a seat bolted to the frame 182. Yellow lines are used to separate A. Traffic lanes on a one way street B. Bicycle lanes from regular traffic 'C. Lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions 183. You are driving alongside a bicycle lane and want to turn right at the corner, you should signal, look carefully for bikers, then 'A. Merge into the bike lane no more than 200 feet before turning B. Speed up and pass any bike riders before they get to the corner C. Merge into the bike lane no more than 50 feet before turning 184. Can your passenger receive a ticket for not wearing his or her seatbelt? *A. Yes - B. Yes but only if sitting in the front seat C. 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